CONTRACT: Assessment of the wind energy resource in southern Uruguay
FUNDING AGENCY: UTE (National utility company)
FROM: December 1990 TO: April 1988
PRINCIPAL(S) RESEARCHER(S): Agustín Cisa, Rafael Guarga, César Briozzo, Carlos López, José Cataldo
ACTIVITIES: In charge of the development and testing of the wind field numerical model. Also pre and post processing of the measured and calculated time series.
CONTRACT: Development of an hydrological model for the Río Negro basin
FROM: April 1989 TO: July 1991
PRINCIPAL(S) RESEARCHER(S): Luis Silveira, Carlos López, José Luis Genta, Rosario Curbelo, Carlos Anido
ACTIVITIES: In charge of the computer team of the project. Development and testing of the quality control (outlier detection) and missing values imputation algorithms required.
CONTRACT: Assessment of the wind energy resource in northern Uruguay
FROM: April 1992 TO: April 1993
PRINCIPAL(S) RESEARCHER(S): José Cataldo, César Briozzo, Ventura Nunes, Carlos López
ACTIVITIES: In charge of the development and testing of the wind field numerical model. Also pre and post processing of the measured and calculated time series.
CONTRACT: Assessment of the wind energy resource for autonomous generation
FROM: April 1992 TO: April 1993
PRINCIPAL(S) RESEARCHER(S): José Cataldo, César Briozzo, Ventura Nunes, Carlos López
ACTIVITIES: Same as before
CONTRACT: Assessment of the pollution levels due to a cement plant in Montevideo
FUNDING AGENCY: Montevideo's City Council
FROM: 1990 TO: 1991
PRINCIPAL(S) RESEARCHER(S): Uri Groisman, José Cataldo, Carlos López
ACTIVITIES: Selection and definition of the numerical model and general supervision of the work.
CONTRACT: Constant for the implementation of a national cartographic database for use with a GIS
FUNDING AGENCY: National Statistics Institute
FROM: February 1995 TO: August 1995
PRINCIPAL(S) RESEARCHER(S): Roberto Oliveira-Mattos
ACTIVITIES: General coordination