Towards Proactive
Network Load Management for
Distributed Parallel
Presentado en el congreso IEEE LANOMS '99 (Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium), (Río de Janeiro, Brasil 1999) a cargo de S. Nesmachnow, A. López y C. López.
Current software designed to handle distributed applications does not focus on the problem of forecasting the computers future load. The software only dispatches the tasks assigning them either to an idle CPU (in dedicated networks) or to the lowest loaded one (in non-dedicated networks).
Our approach tries to improve the standard dispatching strategies provided by both parallel languages and libraries, by implementing new dispatching criteria. It will choose the most suitable computer after forecasting the load of the individual machines based on current and historical data. Existing applications could take advantage of this new service with no extra changes but a recompilation.
A fair comparison between different dispatching algorithms could only be done if they run over the same external network load conditions. In order to do so, a tool to arbitrarily replicate historical observations of load parameters while running the different strategies was developed.
In this environment, the new algorithms are being tested and compared to verify the improvement over the dispatching strategy already available.
The overall performance of the system was tested with
in-house developed numerical models. The project reported here is connected
with other efforts at CeCal devoted to make it easier for scientists and
developers to gain advantage of parallel computing techniques using low
cost components.
Parallel architectures are nowadays wide spread. With the growth of node power and the increases of network bandwidth, present networks can be used as powerful parallel environments. This kind of hardware support for distributed processing can be found in a growing number of companies and universities.Figure 4 – Average deviation in CPU load replication, per second Figure 5: generated load for both auxiliaryHowever, software support for efficiently use this kind of architectures is still not good enough. There is almost no visual environment for developing distributed systems, and the ones that exist are extremely expensive. On the other hand, they are (in many senses) under-developed. In addition, they only have rudimentary tools to cope with unexpected overload in a node. This usually leads to a significant delay in the computation time.
CeCal [1] is concerned about this topic, and has many concluded ([2][3][4][5]) and ongoing ([6][7][8]) research projects.
This project proposes to improve PVM [9] dispatching algorithms in order to use historical information about the use of the computers that compose the virtual machine. New algorithms based in neural networks techniques and traditional statistical methods (ARMA, ARIMA) were used to predict future usage of individual workstations based on historical usage. In order to compare two forecasting algorithms under the same workload environment, two instances of the same program with just the dispatching criteria changed should be run. However, this executions should run in a background load environment as similar as possible.
This paper describes the work done on this direction, both about the development of new dispatching algorithms and in the infrastructure needed to fairly compare them against the standard ones (network load gatherer and replicator).
These new dispatching algorithms were tested using UCLA´s Global Climate Model [10] and a Shallow Water Model. [11]
Load Balancing and new dispatching criteria
It has been proved that load balancing can be considered as the most relevant performance enhancement in a multi-user network environment. When many tasks are used for solving some problem, a single delay produces the whole system be delayed, with the other tasks waiting for the delayed one at synchronizing points. Load balancing techniques allow distributed applications to take care about this problem.
Standard load balancing strategies for distributed applications propose choosing the most appropriate workstation of the virtual machine. The most appropriate workstation means the lowest loaded machine at task spawning time. All the history of workstations load is ignored and only instant load is considered.
Our project proposed and implemented two original methods for improving load balancing of distributed applications. In both cases, load balancing will be considered before tasks are started, by forecasting load in the target computer.
By considering statistical information, load balancing could be improved. Our project will include services in the PVM kernel for gathering virtual machine workstations load information, and using it at task spawning time in order to forecast future workstation load and correctly define the "most appropriated workstation" choice. Different time series forecasting methods were compared; predictors were implemented and a framework was developed in order to test and compare improved vs. traditional dispatch.
Determination of Load Meaningful Parameters
There exists many and different workload that can be considered for load balancing improvement: number of tasks in the run queue, size of free available memory, 1-min load average, amount of free CPU time, and so on. In order to improve PVM dispatching routine we have to predict, in some way, future load of the workstations that compose the virtual machine. This prediction will be based in some combination of the selected workload parameter. This value is usually called the load index.
In order to compare our new dispatching strategy, we need to run the same PVM program in the same virtual machine load environment with both the old and the new dispatching routines. So, we must be able to generate a workload artificially, for arbitrarily replicate historical observations of load parameters while applying the different strategies.
The framework developed for testing and comparing different task dispatching algorithms (the Load Replicator) will be discussed below.
We needed support for replicating, at any time, a given network load situation. Only with this artificially generated background workload, one could fairly compare different solutions for the dispatching of a distributed program. The input is, for N workstations, a time series of the load observed for some representative parameters, and the output will be each workstation loaded with the prescribed load.
UNIX systems provide at many levels of detail information about system usage [12]. The load information we used is the one provided by the rstat service, which gathers information about CPU usage, local (non NFS) disk usage, paging and swapping, interrupts and context switches, network usage and collisions. Some of them are graphically represented in figure 1.
Looking for simplicity and transparent processing, we discarded some parameters that have no effect in global load patterns. For example, kernel operations like context switching were ignored because they are extremely hard to trace and replicate, and they do not affect global workstation performance [13]. Also, parameters related with misconfiguration problems (for example, if excessive swapping and paging is observed, possible exists a memory leak problem) were ignored. On the other hand, parameters that hardly change or are not meaningful over the time (like collisions) also were neglected.
The identification of suitable load indexes is not a new problem [14], and is well known that simple load indexes are particularly effective. Kunz [15] found that the most effective of the indexes we have mentioned above is the CPU queue length. However, due to the specific topic we are managing (network parallel computing) where network traffic is a bottleneck and distributed processes usually make great use of local disk, we considered that this two indexes should not be neglected.
Figure 1Artificial Replication of Network Load Environment
Under the assumptions described, we have replicated just CPU, disk and network usage for each workstation.
Replication is not a new research area, and it is needed for testing purposes in many computer science areas. Workload replicators for measuring performance of different file system implementations were studied in [16][17]. Also replicators for real-time system applications were developed that work at the kernel level, obtaining excellent results for very short periods of time [14].
As our purpose is to replicate workloads in a complete network with many parameters of each workstation, we don’t need excessive precision in the replication at the microsecond scale, but we expect acceptable results for the long periods (like hours). So we decided to work at the process level.
In this paper we will focus only on CPU replication; the other parameter replication are exactly the same, just changing the loader subprocess. The procedure is very simple: if historical load is bigger than actual load, then we do hard work in non-cacheable tasks; if not, we just wait. Periodically we compare both loads and we act in consequence.
Figure 2 – Historical CPU load Figure 3 – Replicated CPU
Despite its simplicity, this strategy works fine. We can visually compare the historical load (figure 2) and the replicated one (figure 3). Vertical axis shows the percent of CPU used during the measured interval, with increments in the range 1-100 per second. Horizontal axis indicates historical measurements, taken every 60 seconds in these experiments. These units are used in all experiments shown in this paper, unless is specified.
Errors obtained for CPU replication are shown in figure 4. Working with a 60 seconds interval, average deviation was of 0,97 while the maximum deviation was 5. The vertical axis units are those provided by rstat.
In order to measure the overhead generated by the replication processes, producer and replicator processes could be run using zero historical data. Also, load overhead generated by the collector process was considered. Figure 5 shows generated load for both auxiliary processes involved in load replication. Load overhead observed was of 0.1 % of CPU used per second, so it could be neglected, and ensures that previous results were fairly good for our purposes.
Disk and network replication designs were similar, although results were not so good. Disk simulation was implemented writing random data directly to the raw device (in order to avoid system caches). However, some historical high data was impossible to replicate, especially when was generated due to access to very slow devices (like CD-RROM units). Network usage replication was rather good: the average absolute deviation for each interval was of 25 packets/sec.
Additional information about this sub-project (and some other related projects) could be found at [5].
Analyzing CPU usage as a representative execution time factor
In order to verify the relationship between CPU usage and the execution time for an almost-deterministic task, a statistical experiment was designed. It proposes to charge a specifically host and determining the way a large system CPU usage produces an individual task to be delayed.
The individual task was composed with standard parallel designed program instructions and its almost-deterministic behaviour was tested by running it several times over a dedicated network (null network load was present). The results are resumed and commented below.a) Almost-deterministic behaviour over null network load
Running the test program over null network load conditions, we determined that the execution time does not change substantially. We also tested the behaviour of our program test running over the different architectures that compose our parallel machine. We found very small differences between the results, and we concluded that the test program has an almost-deterministic behaviour. An example test result is offered in figure 6, with data collected from machine
Figure 6: almost-deterministic test program behaviour
The average time execution was 759.75 sec. The standard deviation of time execution was 30.92 sec., representing a 4,07% over average time execution.
b) Relationship between CPU usage and execution time over external load conditions
Running the test program over different load conditions in different hosts, we confirm a pseudo-linear functional relationship between external CPU usage and execution time. The test program was delayed when running over a high loaded machine, and the delay seems to be a linear function for non extreme load values. Figure 7 resumes the results obtained, with data from
Figure 7: almost-linear relationship between external CPU
usage and execution timeThis results offer two main conclusions to bear in mind :
1) To determine whether a dispatch strategy is better than another one, the system performance (simply measured by the average execution time) should be incremented in a factor over the 4% given by the pseudo-deterministic behaviour when using the new criteria.
2) A pseudo-linear functional relationship between execution time and external CPU usage was confirmed. As a consequence, CPU usage reveals itself as a meaningful parameter for load balancing improvement. So, we have to predict CPU usage in our improved load management dispatch algorithm.
Time Series Forecasting Load Parameters
We used time series to predict load just one time step ahead in time, using available information up to (and including) spawning time. The implemented methods can be divided into two categories: linear and non-linear. In the first case the estimated quantity is a linear combination of the available data. Its general expression is
, being yj the unknown quantity, x a vector which entries are the available data and b a scalar constant; both the weight vector w and the number b depends on the method. Typically the vector x holds the values of the same instant, and both w and b are constants.
For non-linear methods the value is assigned using a non-linear formula. We compared a number of different methods, and due to space constraints we will summarize those who proved successful.
The Naive prediction and the Perfect prediction were used as reference predictors. Naive strategy is the standard PVM dispatching rule (it assumes that load will not vary as time goes by and uses the instant value as prediction), while the Perfect prediction is defined only in our test environment and it consists in the best prediction method. We used the real next value as a prediction, so the dispatch strategy could not be improved. The idea behind this approach is to compare our new dispatching criteria not only versus the standard methods but against the ideal one also, in order to determine the improving accurately.
Computer load might have peak values that might be unreasonable or unusual. In the statistical literature such values are denoted as outliers. They can be defined as values that do not follow the pattern of the majority of the data and thus they might affect adversely the performance of the methods.
Linear deterministic methods
Due to their simplicity, these methods are widely used. We worked with the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method; a brief description follows: OLS is a standard method and the theory for it can be found at [18]. The weights w are chosen in order to minimize the 2-norm of the vector M(j)w - m(j) (a scalar proportional to the Root Mean Square of the Errors, RMSE) where M(j) is the matrix of the available data (as many rows as events, as many columns as computers) and m(j) is a column vector with the j-th computer load values shifted in time. The shift is required in order to use old values to predict the new one; thus first entry of m(j) corresponds to the load at time t2 while first row of M(j) hold values of the load at time t1. The version implemented assumes that the data is outlier free, so w can be derived from (dropping the index j) MTMw=MTm, b=0. Notice that this method is prone to suffer from the existence of outliers; the solution is either to remove the outliers before the calculations or to use an estimate more robust like the ones described below.
The Ordinary Least Squares Predictor was implemented and included into PVM library.
Non linear methods
We used Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) methods to implement a non-linear predictor. ANN where used to fit both a univariate or multivariate load parameters time series using available data, in order to predict new load values for the machines in the network. (see Warner and Misra 1996; Stern 1996 for an ANN thorough presentation).
We have distinguished two interesting cases: a) univariate and b) multivariate time series forecasting. In the former case, only data for one computer is considered; in the other, data from all other computers are considered as well. We summarize the results obtained below :
a) Univariate case
The forecasting study was done using only data from one machine, The rest of the data was used when necessary. The time series was splitted into two parts: the train-set and the test-set. The train-set consists of the first two thirds of the database and the rest is used to measure the quality of the prediction. RMSE is used to quantify the quality of the prediction. The RMSE is calculated using the test-set and the predicted data for the set. The maximum and minimum errors were also recorded.
The first ANN tried takes into account four days to predict the fifth. The network had an input layer of four neurones and an output layer of a single neurone. All the transfer functions used were linear.
The topology of the first network used was:
All the networks were trained using the following criterion: * One input layer with four neurones
* One hidden layer with four neurones that applies a linear transfer function
* One output layer with one output neurone that apply a linear transfer functionMaximum and minimum values from the data set are 497.5375 and 0 respectively. * 100 initial solutions were sorted
* each of them was refined -trained- 100 times
* the best solution was refined 1000 times afterwards.
Figure 8: Sketch of a typical ANN organisation. Information flows from left to right. There are four inputs p, one hidden layer with five neurones with transfer function F1, a second hidden layer with three neurons with transfer function F2 which produces three outputs. The summation symbol indicates a weighted average of all outputs from the previous layer plus a bias term ni(j).
The next step was to change the transfer functions used on the hidden layers. From the results obtained we can conclude that no significant benefits were obtained from more complex networks, at least without further training. With this network it was possible to get a 14,5% of benefit on the total RMS when compared with the Naive method.
All the predictions done with the borrowed network gave a similar precision (the same order of magnitude) than the one obtained with the locally trained network. This could be explained because all the machines share the same profile of users, do the same kind of tasks and have many things in common. Maybe the best predictor for a cluster of machines like this is a common ANN trained with all the data from all the computers. This study was not done. From the present study we can conclude that it was not possible to make significantly better predictions with more complex ANNs than the prediction obtained from the initial 4p1p ANN.
b) Multivariate case
We have designed and compared a number of architectures, which vary depending on the transfer function, the number of neurones in the hidden layer(s) and the input data. The terms purelin, logsig and tansig and its transfer functions are defined in Demuth and Beale (1994). Despite all of them might approximate a given function using enough neurons in the hidden layer, we want to keep this number low for practical reasons connected with training requirements.
The ANN named bp11 has been trained as a forecasting tool; its inputs are the load values of the last event, and its output is the load for the present event. It should be stressed that for each computer a different ANN needs to be trained, using all the other load values of the previous event as inputs. That implies 15 ANN in the CeCal net case.
All of the ANN were trained using one third of the available records trying to minimize the RMS of the error. This approach is named supervised learning (Warner and Misra 1996). The error is defined as the difference between ANN output and true value. Little improvement was obtained even under high cost (in terms of CPU) training methods were used.
Preliminary results
The integrated system was tested running a small parallel application that simulates a parallelizable domain decomposition for a finite difference discretization scheme. The model generates individual tasks, dispatches them to the most suitable host; waits for the results at a sinchronizing point, and starts over again, generating tasks using the new values.
Preliminary results show a small improvement using average execution time as the measurement variable over 50 samples. They are summarized in Table 1.
Naive |
Perfect Method |
Table 1 : Preliminary results.
Each sample was measured running our test program over a replicated historical load. The test program had deterministic behaviour for every dispatching method used. The standard deviation has always been less than 3% over average execution time.The low improvement accomplished by the perfect method is an important result to highlight. This method only decrease average execution time in a 7,27% factor, even using the exact load values for the future.
Under these circumstances, the dispatching strategy based in ANN prediction works fine, achieving half the improvement obtained by using the perfect method.
OLS-based strategy did not work satisfactorily. It only decreases average execution time in a 1,79% factor, which is under the limit of 2,13% given by standard deviation of execution time.
A possible explanation for this fact is that ANN predictor can manage load data variations in a better way than OLS predictor does. In these cases ANN prediction outperforms the statistical methods and ANN - based scheduler reduces the execution time.
Conclusions and further work
Load replication and new dispatching strategies have been tested individually. Both worked satisfactorily for the purpose of this project.
CPU load was replicated very accurately; a relative precision of 99% was achieved when monitoring load once every minute. As our experiment shows that for the total execution time of an application, external CPU load was dominant over disk and network traffic, so we made not too much effort improving disk and traffic replicators, which were not so good as the CPU one. Further work will be done about this topic.
Several studies were made using both statistical and neural network methods for CPU load forecasting. Load forecasting results show that traditional statistical methods work fine and a slightly better performance was obtained using linear ANN. We observed that more complex networks could not improve the results obtained by simpler ones.
The primary test shows that ANN-based dispatching criteria works satisfactorily. Dispatchers using standard statistical methods had troubles managing load data variations.
An important preliminary conclusion is that PVM default method is not so bad. Although we knew the load values for the future, was not possible improve significantly the system performance, measured in average execution time.
The next step consists in a great scale test: running the UCLA's Global Climate and the Shallow Water Model [5] , using the new dispatching algorithms over the same external load conditions, generated by our replicator.
We expect to obtain good results, by decreasing the large total execution time of this complex physical numerical model, especially when using the ANN-based dispatch criteria. We are working in this topic now, and results will be available in the next months.
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- 3. Matlab paralelo. Pablo Stapff, Pablo Gestido. Technical report available at
- 4. Checkpoint y Migración de Procesos PVM en un Ambiente Distribuído. Gladys Utrera, Gustavo Atrio,Marcelo Benzo. Technical report available at
- 5. Performance of a Shallow Water model and a Global Climate Model Distributed across homogeneous and heterogeneous parallel architectures under improved PVM dispatch. Kaplan, E.; López, A. and López, C.
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